Novel items

With our puppy classes we have a week dedicated to confidence building.

We have all sorts of novel items, mostly kids toys, different textures, items that make noises, items that move and we just invite the pup to investigate at their pace. We do not lure with food to get the dog to come closer. The reason being if the dog is already a bit unsure but really wants the food, there is a bit of conflict going on for the dog. Then if something unpredictable happens like the object makes a loud noise or the dog falls off or becomes unsteady, the dog now has probably had a negative experience, may not trust us next time we try to lure them in training and may avoid anything novel in the future.

So we encourage the dog with our voice and our body language, if they approach it we praise and maybe drop a treat for them. But a dog choosing to go to a novel item and overcoming uncertainty builds way more confidence than if we force them towards something.

For example, if I carry my dog into the sea to try and teach them to swim because they are unsure about wading out themselves, now if a wave crashes over them and tumbles them around, that has just confirmed to them they were right to be cautious, that yes this water is scary or dangerous. They probably want to get out and head for the hills. But if I wade out into the water, encourage my dog, demonstrate to them I am safe we are all good, then when the dog wades out on their own they are step by step conquering that uncertainty. If you confidently go out and are feeling optimistic, if a wave crashes you, it doesn't knock your confidence so much because you were having a good time before that happened. This is how it can be for dogs approaching novel items.

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