Engagement in new environments
YES and Reward every single check in for a week!!
Dogs do naturally check in with us, but when we miss them and don't show them that that's an awesome behaviour, please do more of that, they tend to offer it less and less and the environment becomes more rewarding to them to go explore.
If your YES marker is clear to your dog and they know that means food comes, they will run to you to pick up their prize. So when your dog looks at you, even just sniffs in your direction or does a slight half a look in your direction or ear flick to you...mark that with your YES. This is especially important in new environments where things are novel and exciting to them.
We want to have a genuine connection with our dogs out on our walks, not feel like we are just trying to control them or bribing and begging them to please give us a bit of attention. Let your dog show you what they can offer and reward it.
Give it a go for a week and let me know if you feel more connected on your walks together. This can be done on or off leash.